APPLICATION FOR ATTENDING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE/TRAINING COURSES WITHIN OR OUTSIDE INDIA (ONLINE/VIRTUAL MODE) UNDER FACULTY & STAFF DEVELOPMENT PLAN -TEQIP III 1. Name of the Faculty: 2. Designation: 3. Department: 4. Scale: 5. Basic Pay: 6. Name of the Conference/Training Course/Others: 7. Address of the Program and Duration with Dates: 8. Organizer of the Conference/Training Course: 9. For Conference write the Title Paper/for Training Course (or other participation) write purpose with special reference to PG courses and Research: 10. Total Cost (a+b) involved Rs.: a) Registration Fee: b) Others, if any (give details with justification): I agree to submit a brief report on the impact of this participation on my teaching, learning and research at JU within 1 week after participation. Signature of the Faculty member: